Friday 2 July 2004

Sikhs in Italy

Una numerosa comunità di indiani Sikh, attratta dalle opportunità di lavoro, specialmente nell'industria conciaria, si è stabilita nella cittadina di Arzignano, in provincia di Vicenza


A numerous community of Sikh Indians, attracted from the job opportunities, especially in the industry of hides, has established itself in the small city of Arzignano, in province of Vicenza, northern Italy.

Here's the link with a great photo gallery. :)


Anonymous said...

I can't thank you nuff for this post...i know i might sound crazy with my last statement...but yeah :D :D

Spheric said...

Glad you liked it.

I am full of admiration for Sikhs who are making a determined go of settling in a non-English European country.