If Saddam Hussein is to eventually hang from his neck, as inevitably he will given the charade of a show trial he is now involved in, then so should Bush, Rumsfeld, Blair and other war criminal terrorists who illegally invaded and occupied Iraq on the basis of lies, and caused untold genocide upon the ordinary men, women and children of Iraq. Yes, Hussein was a mass murderer, but he was not the only one in the circle of international leaders, and he could not have acted alone in the killing of Kurds and Shias without the active support of the US in the pre-Gulf War days.
There is a difference between 'natural' justice and 'constitutional' justice. The latter is something that can written to appease one's puppet masters (think of Nazi occupied Vichy France, or British occupied India), but natural justice is something that overrides paper charters written in meanigless legal speak. Natural justice can potentially call for an 'eye for an eye', of satiating the human blind rage that has the potential to exist in each one of us, or collectively, in an orphaned brotherhood or nation.
They say history is written by the victors. Never has a statement sounded more truer than that.