Friday 6 August 2004

The Village

Whilst it's still fresh in my mind, we saw 'The Village' last night at the cinema. Directed by M.Night Shyamalan (Signs, 6th Sense, Unbreakable) - the film revolves around an isolated Pennsylvania village surrounded by dark forests. A sinister presence inhabits the woods, and the story revolves around the consequences of when the villagers transgress the boundaries of the forest.

In some respects this movie is the antithesis of 'Signs' where the power of faith gave one the ability to fight back; in 'The Village' unquestioning blind faith has a paralyzing effect on people in the face of adversity.

I give this movie a thumbs up. 8 out of 10.

Thursday 5 August 2004

The Box

Is there a modern philosophical equivalent of Pandora's Box ? Must we rely upon a tale from ancient Greek mythology to act as our only metaphor for describing that which we have all been tempted to open at some point ?

Why can't the act of opening be a positive moment, to be celebrated...rather than forever going on a guilt trip ? Or is part of life's bargain that the Box remains sealed ?

For every popular saying, there is a counter-saying..."many hands make light work" versus "too many cooks spoil the broth" or "curiosity killed the cat" versus "nothing ventured, nothing gained"... meandering ramblings don't appear to be going anywhere really.... :)