Watched the futuristic nightmare thriller 'Children of Men' last night. Definitely a visual feast for the eyes, set in a dystopian future Britain which appears to be on the brink of social and economic implosion. It is a society devoid of collective moral values, exacerbated by the fact that the human race is on it's last legs as no child has been born anywhere in the last 18 years. Women have become mysteriously infertile across the world, and whether it is due to pollution, chemical contaminants in food, genetic experimentation etc, no one is quite sure. Into this world comes a woman who has inexplicably become pregnant and the rest of the film focuses on various attempts to protect her from harm.
More than the actual storyline, are the apocalyptic scenes which I found most compelling. London in the year 2027 has become another grimy Beirut with terrorist attacks almost daily, and the government has set up a series of Guantanamo style camps for illegal refugee immigrants. The general populace looks haggard and fear is everywhere, and various violent cults have sprouted in spritual response to the awaited end of the human world.
Great film. 8/10.