"What if..."
Two words….one syllable each, 6 letters in total - yet combined together probably amounting to the most powerful powerful phrase in the English language, guaranteed to initiate some degree of introspective soul searching and omphalic contemplation. Each one of us will occasionally come across that fork in the road and make a considered choice as to which path in life to follow. Hindsight will ultimately prove to be the judge of such choices, and yet we will always come back to the 'What if' train of thought….how would things have turned out if I had chosen A instead of B or C instead of B ?
Even so, I still prefer the 'What if' analysis to the alternative variation of 'If only' which implies a degree of regret or hapless resignation to the former's implied positive affirmation of having at least made a choice with the best available information at the time.
Either way, enjoy the journey. We'll leave the destination part for another day…… :)