Sunday 3 July 2005

Guess the profession...

Ever wondered what job you'd be doing if your folks never emigrated from the sub-continent ? Would you be a farmer, tailor, doctor, subservient wife, teacher, writer, chai-walla maybe ? ;)

Let me see father served in the military, as did my maternal uncles - who saw action in '71, so did my great-grandfather who fought in a Sikh regiment in France during the First World War. Hmm...wonder what I would have ended up doing ? :) No airy-fairy liberal arts studies for this nau jawan...

Some habits die hard...many years later in England, I remember my father used to drag me out of bed at 6.00am on a Sunday morning and insist we went out running and did sit-ups. Thing is though, I was only 8 years old.

Another time, when he became exasperated at my slow speed of eating breakfast (I think it was cornflakes) - he said to me: "Beta, you really should hurry up your food. If you were in the navy like I was, you would realise that anytime you could come under enemy attack!!!" ...and meal times were never the same since...I spent half the time looking over my shoulder and skywards than at my dinner plate.

...sometimes, changing countries can be a liberating experience.... :)

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