Tuesday 15 November 2005

Is time passing you by ?

Do you ever feel that the relentless march of time is a little too relentless ? Ever wish you could slow time down ? Does continually procrastinating and delaying a task until next week eventually aggregate into next month and then next year ?

It's quite remarkable how one year seamlessly rolls into another, and you get that constant feeling of deja vu (eg. this Xmas is just like last Xmas, or this summer might as well been last summer etc).

I'm guessing there are a lot more people in the same boat than would care to admit. After all, go-getting types get much more adulation and peer respect than those whose lives seem to be perenially set on auto-pilot - no matter how close those mountain peaks appear to be...

1 comment:

Jas B said...

I sure do wish that time would pass by a bit slower. I, sometimes, also wish for a rewind button on life....