Right now, I'm totally whacked out from going to interviews and relaying to total strangers what I've done, achieved and how I'm going to help their bottom line - all with a generous sprinkling of business school speak like how I will be
'adding to the knowledge supply chain process' and
'the value proposition inherent in my inventory of skills and experience to date' blah blah blah... :) LOL...sometimes I surprise even myself with some of stuff that comes out of my mouth...hahahaha.
It's not so much the interviews, but the mental preparation required beforehand and being prepared to answer questions from whatever angle they may come. I actually look forward (yes I know how sad I am) to panel interviews where the interviewers attempt to look 'sophisticated' in psychological techniques by adopting the 'good cop, bad cop' approach as if they're re-enacting their media fantasy of being on CSI (or Guantanamo Bay for that matter). And sometimes, they'll have that 'silent' figure in the background who doesn't say anything and is writing something on his/her notepad when in fact they're probably trying to decide what they're gonna eat tonight.... :)
Hopefully the end is in sight very soon.... :)