Friday 30 December 2005

New Year Greetings !

Wishing everyone out there in cyberspace a wonderful New Year with joy, prosperity and friendship. Here's to hoping that the world is a lot more peaceful in 2006.


Jas B said...

Sphere ji, wish you a wonderful 2006.
And yes, lets hope that it is a much more peaceful one...

Can you imagine how time flies?
Every year passes much more quickly than the last one. Is it only me, or does everyone feel the same way?

~enfield~ said...

A very Happy New Year to you Sphere Sahib!

Cheers ! Gluck Gluck ! Hmmmmm....Boooorraaaah !
Ikk peg hor !

Spheric said...

And a happy new year to you both !

Tololy said...

A belated wish for a nice 2006, may it bring you and your loved ones joy and peace of mind!